Kengo's blog

Technical articles about original projects, JVM, Static Analysis and TypeScript.

Entries from 2012-01-01 to 1 year

My acts on the WWW in 2012

This entry is a summary of my acts on the WWW in this year. Summary of the last year is here. I think that all hope in this entry has already been implemented. personal products I released a lot of products at GitHub. The main language is …

log: 2012/Dec/5 ~ 26


Interests Advent calendar about child care KLab comes to Shanghai Outputs First ticket for regression-report-plugin Now my Jenkins plugin has been installed 130+ ti…

who helped me to re-install PC

Last week, my Macbook pro crushed by HDD trouble. I bought a new HDD and re-installed OSX. This article is a note about how I re-installed it. Genius bar I went to Genius bar at 南京东路. They helped me to understand what is problem and wh…



log: 2012/Nov/26 ~ Dec/4


Interests widget I knew this several years ago, but it is not stable yet. the Sasago tunnel accident The soul of 'Japanese quality' is almost dead.…

log: 2012/Nov/19 ~ 25


Interests TAOBAO for developer I heard that TAOBAO is one of the largest company who uses Java. They have some sites for developer: MySQL patches Taobao UED(User Experience Design) Official blog about platform (how great office!) introduct…

log: 2012/Nov/12 ~ 18


Interests CNZZ I had started using at my site and this blog. I heard that this tool is likes Google Analytics. enchant.js 0.6-pre is not stable I tried this version, but it cannot support events and displaying character. Especiall…

findbugs-slf4j:0.2 is released

Today I released new version of finsbugs-slf4j and deployed it to Maven central. bug fix fixed findbugs.xml update SLF4J_LOGGER_SHOULD_BE_PRIVATE bug pattern

log: 2012/Nov/5 ~ 11


Interests Shanghai IT event calendar (Japanese language) RubyConf China 2012 At the next week end, RubyConf China 2012 will be held. Sadly its ticket has been already sold out. Lanyrd Lanyrd recommends confere…

log: 2012/Oct/25 ~ Nov/4

Interests Single page apps in the depth I have read Single page apps in the depth. Chapter of module & test are little boring (because I have already known), but overview is very interesting. You can get epub, mobi and pdf at index. GitHub…

findbugs-slf4j:0.1 released

Today I released finsbugs-slf4j and deployed it to Maven central. This project is a FinfBugs plugin to support SLF4J user. You can use it from your Maven project like below. <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>findbugs-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.5.2</version> </plugin>

A way to build FindBugs plugin with Maven3

This week, I will release a FindBugs plugin for SLF4J user. From this project, I got some tips to build FindBugs plugin. This article is a simple summary about them. I wish this article would be helpful for …

log: 2012/Sep/17~Oct/24

I have a lot of event in this term, so I could not write logs on real time. I summarize them in this post. Interests An interesting site about WEB technology. Currently I use MDN, and…

findbugs-slf4j is updated

I have added test cases to findbugs-slf4j project. It still has a TODO comment, so I cannot release it yet. I guess it needs 1 or 2 weeks to fix.

On-memory cache in Guava libraries

2 years ago, I introduced a cache implementation with LinkedHashMap. But if you want to use on-memory cache for your product, I recommend you to try the cache package of Guava libraries. 以前の記事でLinkedHashMapによるキャッシュ実装を紹介…

FindBugs plugin for SLF4J might be stable

I tested my FindBugs plugin for SLF4J by hands, and I think it is now stable. I will release it next week. Currently this plugin helps you to check the count of placeholder. For instance: class Foo { private final Logger logger = LoggerFac…

Drawing graph about dependency between AMD modules

Sometimes I want to know dependency between AMD modules graphically, because it might be helpful to understand complexity. Today I have tried to realize it. AMDモジュール間の依存関係をおおまかに把握したい時って結構あります。規約どおりの依…


体調不良で寝てる時を中心に、ソーシャルゲームでお金を使ってみました。なんでコレでメシが食えるのかちょっと興味があったからです。 以前からパズドラやバトリクスやブラウザ三国志のような「課金要素のあるゲーム」をプレイしたことはありましたが、実際…

log: 2012/Sep/3~Sep/16


Interests GitCafe public beta Now GitCafe starts open beta! You can register and start to use it. Outputs I got cold twice in this 2 weeks, so my outputs are limited... Java Profiling cheat sheet I moved my cheat sheet from google docs to …


Javaのログ系ライブラリSLF4Jが、今月6日にリリースされた1.7.0で可変長引数をサポートしました。つまり今まで自分でObject配列を作っていた部分を、可変長引数でシンプルに書き直せるということです。 公式ML ニュース(最新情報) SLF4Jをご存じない方にこ…


これは面白い流れですね。私自身もRSSは毎日使っているので、結構影響あります。 TwitterからのRSS取得が2013年3月5日で打ち切りへ - GIGAZINE はてなブックマーク - TwitterからのRSS取得が2013年3月5日で打ち切りへ - GIGAZINE 特に面白いのが他サービスへ…


はてブの「非公開機能」が無償化されたことを受け、従来非公開にしていたはてブの一部を公開しました。 ちなみにselfタグはセルフブックマークです。みんな拡散するといいよ!

log: 2012/Aug/27~Sep/2

Interests Severe bugs in Java7 I think Java 7 is not stable yet. When will we start to use? Programming education for young I got nothing at school about programming because there was no teacher & student who is interested in. But even tho…



log: 2012/Aug/20~26


Interests Google guava library / collection I found some useful classes in guava library. This library is too big to understand at once. Constraints Interner MapConstraint useful zsh configuration I installed grml. Currently it works well.…



ruleset-for-SLF4J version 0.4 has been released

I fixed some NPE in version 0.3. eller86/ruleset-for-SLF4J · GitHub But I found that parsing code is not enough to detect bugs. For example, we cannot know the difference between: // this is OK, both of placeholder and parameter is only on…

log: 2012/Aug/13~19


Interests JavaScript toolkit for rogue like game It's cool... I know that creating map & deciding path are little difficult to implement. It may help a lot of beginners to build game. But sadly, it looks not maintained. CPU compiler for Ja…

ruleset-for-SLF4J version 0.2 has been released

New version of ruleset-for-SLF4J has been released! Now it helps you to check number of placeholder. There are few limitations to use. Please read document for detail.


PMDは「枯れた技術」だと思うしネット上にも日本語情報は多いですが、わりと古いものが多い気がするし1箇所にまとまってたほうが便利だと思うのでまとめてみます。 なお著者のスペックの都合上、SBTのようなナウでヤングなビルドツールは対象にしていません…