Kengo's blog

Technical articles about original projects, JVM, Static Analysis and TypeScript.

Entries from 2012-10-01 to 1 month

A way to build FindBugs plugin with Maven3

This week, I will release a FindBugs plugin for SLF4J user. From this project, I got some tips to build FindBugs plugin. This article is a simple summary about them. I wish this article would be helpful for …

log: 2012/Sep/17~Oct/24

I have a lot of event in this term, so I could not write logs on real time. I summarize them in this post. Interests An interesting site about WEB technology. Currently I use MDN, and…

findbugs-slf4j is updated

I have added test cases to findbugs-slf4j project. It still has a TODO comment, so I cannot release it yet. I guess it needs 1 or 2 weeks to fix.

On-memory cache in Guava libraries

2 years ago, I introduced a cache implementation with LinkedHashMap. But if you want to use on-memory cache for your product, I recommend you to try the cache package of Guava libraries. 以前の記事でLinkedHashMapによるキャッシュ実装を紹介…

FindBugs plugin for SLF4J might be stable

I tested my FindBugs plugin for SLF4J by hands, and I think it is now stable. I will release it next week. Currently this plugin helps you to check the count of placeholder. For instance: class Foo { private final Logger logger = LoggerFac…

Drawing graph about dependency between AMD modules

Sometimes I want to know dependency between AMD modules graphically, because it might be helpful to understand complexity. Today I have tried to realize it. AMDモジュール間の依存関係をおおまかに把握したい時って結構あります。規約どおりの依…


体調不良で寝てる時を中心に、ソーシャルゲームでお金を使ってみました。なんでコレでメシが食えるのかちょっと興味があったからです。 以前からパズドラやバトリクスやブラウザ三国志のような「課金要素のあるゲーム」をプレイしたことはありましたが、実際…