Entries from 2015-07-01 to 1 month
I've read How Google Works. And now I'm interested in OKR (Objective and Key Results), which is explained in this book. It is really similar to MBO (Management By Objective). I'm learning MBO for five years, and I feel that OKR might give …
Yesterday I released findbugs-slf4j v1.2.0, which supports more useful analysis based on OpcodeStackDetector. Here I will summarize my problem and solution. What is TOP? Problem is that my detector could not track state of OpcodeStack, bec…
一時期はメソッド名は動詞で始まらなければならないと言われていましたが、昨今ではJava標準APIでも動詞ではないメソッド名が散見されます。本エントリではその傾向をまとめます。 of, from(from, of, valueOf, fromString, fromNullable etc.) fromやofは…