Entries from 2012-12-01 to 1 month
This entry is a summary of my acts on the WWW in this year. Summary of the last year is here. I think that all hope in this entry has already been implemented. personal products I released a lot of products at GitHub. The main language is …
Interests Advent calendar about child care http://atnd.org/events/34177 KLab comes to Shanghai http://pr.blog.klab.jp/archives/51397935.html Outputs First ticket for regression-report-plugin Now my Jenkins plugin has been installed 130+ ti…
Last week, my Macbook pro crushed by HDD trouble. I bought a new HDD and re-installed OSX. This article is a note about how I re-installed it. Genius bar I went to Genius bar at 南京东路. They helped me to understand what is problem and wh…
Interests widget I knew this several years ago, but it is not stable yet. http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-widgets-20121127/ the Sasago tunnel accident The soul of 'Japanese quality' is almost dead. http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newssele…