This entry is a summary of my acts on the WWW in this year.
Summary of the last year is here. I think that all hope in this entry has already been implemented.
personal products
I released a lot of products at GitHub. The main language is still Java. I learned CoffeeScript but products which uses it are little limited. I think I need some shift for my way of thinking, but Java is not good language to shift it, so I need to use other language.
And, I want to use GitCafe but I have no idea about which product I will host on. I think software for Chinese people is the best. How about introducing Miku HATSUNE? I think I can code a bot for weibo.
PARTAKE, enchant.js
I contributed PARTAKE, and sent patches to enchant.js. But I think that I need to stop sending patch to enchant.js because recently I have no chance to use it.
PARTAKE is good field to code, but it is dirty and hard to maintain. Key to clean it is learning Play!framework, but I do not like that framework, so I will not contribute so hevily.
Shanghai mokumoku
I and some Japanese developer have started opening 'mokumoku' meeting. This meeting (or eating) is very interesting experience. In this community, I can learn that how my skill looks for others, what my skill lacks, what is my value etc.
We are planning to expand this action. We will open some learning event with Chinese developer.
The most bookmarked entry is about RequireJS. In my team this module loader works good. I recommend you to research about it if you are working with several JavaScript files.
The 3rd entry is about PMD plugin to detect potential bug around SLF4J. I already know that this plugin is not good solution, so I am developing a FindBugs plugin instead.
- RequireJS 2.0による依存関係の明示、フォールバック、複数バージョンの混在 - eller's blog
- requirejs reading - eller's blog
- SLF4JのポカミスをPMDで自動検出する - eller's blog
- Maven使いのためのPMD入門(2012年夏) - eller's blog
And, this entry got a lot of feedback at offline.