I'm trying to read dynjs. At 1st, let's try to know how it executes given javascript.
build it and create an IDE project
There is a wiki page to introduce how to build. Please read and try it.
I created an Eclipse project by executing mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources
creating script
The dynjs gets script from files to execute. So we have to create a script file.
$ echo 'print("Hello, world!");' > sample.js
loading script from a file
OK, let's execute Main.java from IDE. We can give arguments to dynjs, so I give just "sample.js"
Main.java has a main method. It build an argument object with args4j. At last, Main class calls executeFile method.
final DynJSConfig cfg = new DynJSConfig(); new DynJS(cfg).eval(context, new FileInputStream(filename));
This eval(DynThreadContext, InputStream)
method calls parseSourceCode(DynThreadContext, InputStream)
method to create a List<Statement> with parser created by antlr3. This list is used to execute a compiler.
private void execute(DynThreadContext context, List
dynjs/src/main/java/org/dynjs/runtime/DynJS.java at 150f102bec3709e3af5e7a49934feb075f9cd008 from dynjs/dynjs - GitHubresult) {
Script script = compiler.compile(result.toArray(new Statement[]{}));
compiling a List<Statement>
Compiler gets List<Statement> from DynJS class, and use it to compile.
Compiler creates a class and its instance dynamically, and call its execute(DynThreadContext) method. I dumped defined class to a binary file and checked it by javap, and I found this method is very simple.
public void execute(org.dynjs.runtime.DynThreadContext); Code: 0: ldc #14; //String Hello, world! 2: dup 3: getstatic #20; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream; 6: swap 7: invokevirtual #26; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V 10: return }
My sample.js doesn't need context, so it doesn't use opcode like aload etc. I'll try to check around parser, method calls and the duck typing.