FireFox OS
Currently I do not like Android and iOS, so I hope that this OS (or Ubuntu) become popular and make the market actively. But they would be minor...
This week is long holiday (the head of lunar new year), so I developed and researched some topics.
I deployed this plugin onto Maven central repository. Now you can use this plugin without '<repository>' element.
I made a document about how to use this plugin with Sonar. And I made a new rule to find static logger.
I will release version 1.0 next week.
drawing AMD dependency with DOT language
Currently I am trying to make a RequireJS plugin to draw dependency between modules. You can see my progress at GitHub.
Current result is below. Circle means non-depended module, and box means depended module. You can find that a lot of modules depend on jQuery.
This plugin will generate source code like below. I choose DOT language to generate graph.
digraph dependency { "./template.js"->"./jquery.js"; "./jquery-plugin.js"->"./jquery.js"; "./bootstrap.js"->"./jquery.js"; "./bootstrap-plugin.js"->"./bootstrap.js"; "./main.js"->"./jquery.js"; "./main.js"->"./jquery-plugin.js"; "./main.js"->"./bootstrap-plugin.js"; "./main.js"->"./template.js"; "./jquery.js" [shape = box] "./bootstrap.js" [shape = box] "./jquery-plugin.js" [shape = box] "./bootstrap-plugin.js" [shape = box] "./template.js" [shape = box] }
Currently I am using console.log
but I should switch to writeFile